Wednesday, November 18, 2015

048 - Martyrdom of Hamza | Uhud Part 3

As we discussed, the Muslims won the initial phase of the battle. Allah references this in the Quran where He said in Surah Ali-Imran, "Indeed, Allah fulfilled His promise to you when you [initially] swept them away by His Will, then your courage weakened and you disputed about the command and disobeyed after Allah had brought victory within your reach. Some of you were after worldly gain while others desired a heavenly reward. He denied you victory over them as a test, yet He has pardoned you. And Allah is Gracious to the believers." [Quran, 3:152] Allah says when the Muslims were pure and sincere to Him, He gave them what He had promised them; but when they faltered and became greedy for something, that is when disaster struck. In the books of seerah, we learn in detail what happened; and again, the issue of Uhud is it is difficult to piece together all the events. Reconstructing the incident of Uhud is the most difficult task in the whole seerah. Uhud was very chaotic and a disaster - to this day there are a lot of questions about Uhud we don't even know.

The Change of Tide

The primary cause of the change of tide was the fact that when the mushrikun fled, the sahaba felt complacent enough to let go of their arms and started collecting the war booty. (We don't have the details, but we can imagine what would be left behind. The most prized possessions are good weapons and good armor. The Arabs were not the best of ironsmiths; they would import weapons, and so weapons were very expensive. Also camels, tents, and everything else - it's a lot of money and goods.) Thus when the Quraysh fled, the sahaba instantly started collecting the ghanima back to the camp and collect again and so on. We need to understand that the rules of ghanima had not yet been fully finalized. At Badr, only some of the rules are revealed, and so the sahaba were not aware that technically speaking, every single person is going to get the same share of the ghanima (apart from the possessions you get from the warrior you kill). In fiqh, if the enemy flees, that which is left behind is shared amongst the entire army - it is a major sin to snatch it and hide it. It's collected, piled, and distributed in the correct accordance. The sad part is that, in Uhud, those who were eager to collect the war booty, they didn't even get that share AND they caused the disaster it caused. They neither get the booty or the victory of the battle. It's the reality of those who prefer the dunya over akhira: They neither get dunya nor akhira.

The Prophet PBUH understood very clearly the battle was far from over; but the archers, when they saw the Quraysh had fled and at least a good 20 minutes have gone by and there's a feeling of complacency and they are waiting and waiting but no one sends them a message meanwhile other Muslims are collecting the ghanima, they began to feel have been neglected and thus began disputing amongst themselves. One group says, "Come on, it's our turn [to collect the ghanima]! Let's go!" Another group says, "No no, we can't go now." (This is what Allah refers to in [3:152].) And of course Abdullah ibn Jubayr (عبد الله بن جبير) RA says, "Have you forgotten what the Prophet PBUH told you? 'Stay where you are until my command comes to you.' By Allah, I will not move my place until the command comes to me." And we can imagine the bickering must have gone on for quite a while. Because nobody just changes their mind in a millisecond. You go back and forth, you see how many people follow your position, and if you're all alone, khalas, you stick with the majority; but if you get more and more people, you feel confident. And so we can imagine that from the 50, perhaps in the beginning only 1 or 2 are raising the banner to go and collect the ghanima; but slowly but surely, perhaps over 40 minutes, perhaps over 1 hour, more and more people join this banner to the point 40 out of 50 of the archers say, "Come on, let's go..." Therefore they descended down and left only 10 people on the mountain.

This is the grand opportunity Khalid ibn al-Walid saw. Even as he is fleeing, he is not running for dear life. He is cautiously looking behind to see what he can do. (Note: This shows us the military genius he had. The only person who ever inflicted a genuine military loss on the Muslims in the whole seerah was Khalid ibn al-Walid. He is in his early 20s but he is showing the genius we know he is.) As soon as Khalid sees the 40 go down from the mountain, his brain clicks. [Opinion 1] One opinion is Khalid went behind the Mountain of Uhud to launch a counter attack, but this opinion does not make any academic sense - it's an impossible position to hold if you actually see the Mountain of Uhud. It would have taken 6 hours to go all the way round and attack; and by then even the Muslims would have packed up and gone if nothing happens for that long. Therefore realistically, it makes more sense to hold the opinion [Opinion 2] that when Khalid saw what was happening from the distance, he carved his way in from the right hand side - there was a ditch that goes under the land from which people cannot see at ground level - and from there he surprised the 10 archers; and after getting rid of the archers, he gathered his army for a counter attack. How many people did he have? We have no idea, but a rough estimate that makes sense is around 100-150.

The problem here is that when Khalid ibn al-Walid is coming back, in effect he is cutting the Muslim army into half. He is basically walking in - on his right will be the camp of the Prophet PBUH, and on his left will be the Muslims collecting ghanima. The Muslims on the right, the advantage of the protection of Uhud they had in the initial phase now turns against them - they have nowhere to flee. The Muslims on the left, they are dispersed, not in one group, cut off from their main supplies; and we also can infer many of them had abandoned their armor and weapons because now they are collecting ghanima, piling up things, so obviously you're not going to have sword in one hand. They assumed the war was won - an hour and a half has gone by and they were feeling very complacent. However, an hour and a half is nowhere enough time. Rather, it's just the right amount of time for Khalid to come back with an entourage and counter attack the Muslims from behind Jabal al-Ruma. The first person to see Khalid ibn al-Walid was in fact the Prophet PBUH himself. (And from this we surmise that in fact the Prophet PBUH was feeling uneasy at the whole situation when the sahaba started being too complacent - so he was constantly monitoring as carefully as possible.)

It is human instinct that when you see an enemy coming, you turn around and flee; it's also very dangerous for the Prophet PBUH to give his own location away because he knows he is the one that they are targeting; and therefore, we can imagine if anyone of us had been in a similar situation, we would have immediately fled surreptitiously and quietly; but this is not anyone of us - this is our Prophet PBUH; and therefore, he did what we would only expect him to do, which is the bravest thing imaginable; and that is he stood up, and at the top of his lungs he started shouting to the Muslims, "O Muslims! Behind you!!" He is yelling as LOUD as he can. "Take your precautions! They are coming from behind!" By yelling out, he has given his own location away. Subhan'Allah. He has done something extremely brave here. And had he not given this warning, probably the massacre would have been double or triple than it was. At least by giving this warning, some people could take precautions and take up their arms and put on their armor. This is what Allah mentions in the Quran, "[Remember] when you were running far away [in panic] —not looking at anyone— while the Messenger was calling to you from behind!" [Quran, 3:153]. So Allah describes vividly the reality of the situation; that when some of the sahaba saw the surprise attack, they started fleeing (which is the human instinct to do), but the Prophet PBUH was calling them out to take precautions, to come back and fight.

And as can be expected, such a surprise attack led to total chaos in the ranks of the Muslims. Some of them had not even regrouped; others were in small pockets; and as the Quran mentions: many of them —because they were unarmed— simply turned their backs and fled. Again, there is symbolism here: This is what happens when you disobey the Prophet PBUH. Other Muslims who were closer to the camp of the Prophet PBUH, it appears shaytan did a trick on them. Shaytan wanted to cause chaos between the Muslims who were now going to face one another. (We had Muslims in the camp, and other Muslims on the battlefield, and in the middle was Khalid ibn al-Walid - so what is going to happen? The two groups of Muslims are going to be facing one another.) And in the chaos, some Muslims were killed at the swords of other Muslims. And we have narrations that shaytan was the one who instigated this confusion. And unfortunately, we had some tragic deaths here.


Martyrdom of al-Yaman RA, the Father of Hudhayfah RA

One of the most tragic of these deaths was of Husayl ibn Jabir (حسيل بن جابر) RA, the father of Hudhayfah (حذيفة) RA.

Background of Husayl (a.k.a. al-Yaman): He was not from the Ansar. He was from the tribe of Abas (بنو عبس). In the days of Jahiliyyah, he had committed a murder and his own people basically disowned him, so he had to flee from his own people, and he formed an alliance with one of the tribes of Madinah who were to become the Ansar. He became their halif (حليف). When he formed an alliance with them, his Abasi people then started calling him 'Yamani' (because recall the Madinan Arabs are originally from Yemen; and so his nickname became 'al-Yaman.') Then he married one of the ladies of Madinah. And eventually when the Prophet PBUH started preaching in Makkah, he was of the earliest to convert. And then his son Hudhayfah embraces Islam before the Prophet PBUH emigrates to Madinah. (Note: Hudhayfah is famous because he is Sahib al-Sirr [صاحب السر - the Keeper of Secrets] - the one whom the Prophet PBUH told all of the names of the munafiqun to.) When the Prophet PBUH emigrated to Madinah, it is said that al-Yaman asked the Prophet PBUH, "O Messenger of Allah! Am I an Ansari or a Muhajir?" - because he is neither from Makkah nor from Madinah. The Prophet PBUH said, "You are both an Ansari and a Muhajir." So al-Yaman has the honor of being both an Ansari and a Muhajir. Also recall before the Battle of Badr, Hudhayfah and his father al-Yaman were caught by the Quraysh on the way to the battle [see episode 36: Mini Story 1]. And one of the Quraysh made them promise they won't fight the Quraysh alongside the Prophet PBUH, and then they were freed. They then made their way to the Prophet PBUH and told him the story, and the Prophet PBUH said, "Fulfill your promise. Go back to Madinah." And Hudhayfah and al-Yaman got the reward of Badr without actually fighting in Badr.

Al-Yaman is now very elderly - he is one of the two people in Uhud that were so old the Prophet PBUH said, "Go and stay in the city. Don't fight with us." They are exempt from fighting. So al-Yaman and this other man from the Ansar, they were sitting basically with the women and children. But eventually their Iman gets the better of them and they started rebuking each other. Al-Yaman says, "How long do we have left to live [anyway]? We are so old now." And his companion says, "You are right. Let us go. And perhaps Allah will end our lives with a shahada (شهادة - martyrdom)." And by the time they come to join the battle, Khalid is attacking. So they join at a time of chaos. And this was when shaytan caused confusion amongst the Muslims: A group of Muslims, not recognizing al-Yaman, they surrounded him and began killing him. Hudhayfah of course recognizes his father from the distance, so he starts screaming, "That is my father! That is my father! Stop!!" But in such chaos the Muslims simply could not hear, and so they killed him. It was a sad and tragic story.

At the end of the battle, when it was all over, they came and asked forgiveness, and Hudhayfah said, "May Allah forgive you! He is the Most Merciful of the merciful!" [Quran, 12:92]. And the Prophet PBUH paid him the blood money for his father from the Bayt al-Mal: 100 camels, which is a lot of money. And Hudhayfah took this money and distributed it to the poor. All of it. One of the sahaba said, "Hudhayfah forever lived in good after that incident." This incident is what boosted the ranks of Hudhayfah. And the Prophet PBUH then rewarded him by making him Sahib al-Sirr.


Martyrdom of Hamzah ibn Abdul Muttalib RA

Another sad incident of Uhud is of course the martyrdom of Hamzah ibn Abdul Muttalib (حمزة بن عبد المطلب) RA, the uncle and a very close friend of the Prophet PBUH. He was killed by Wahshi (وحشي), the slave of Jubayr ibn Mut'im (جبير بن مطعم), the son of Mut'im ibn Adi. (At this time, Jubayr wasn't a Muslim, but he converts to Islam later on.) In Uhud, Jubayr's uncle Tu'aymah ibn Adi (طعيمة بن عدي) was killed by Hamzah. so Jubayr wants revenge, he tells his slave Wahshi, "If you kill Hamzah, you will be free." So it's a double revenge: (i) Hamzah killed his uncle, so he wants Hamzah killed, and (ii) just like he lost his uncle, he wants the Prophet PBUH to lose his uncle.

Wahshi does eventually accept Islam later on [8 AH], and he preserves this story in the first person: "I was a slave in Makkah, and I had no desire to get involved in the war. However, Jubayr my master promised me my freedom if I kill Hamzah. So I took my best javelin/spear and walked into the battle. And wallahi, I had no desire to do anyone harm except for Hamzah, in order to get my freedom. I began following Hamzah wherever he goes, and I kept on hiding until finally when he killed so-and-so, chopped him off, as soon as he lowered the sword, I stepped out from behind the bush, Hamzah's back was to me, I threw my javelin with the MOST force that I could, [note: so this was a cowardly move by Wahshi, but he wasn't concerned about chivalry right now, he just wants his freedom], and it went through Hamzah and came through the front. Hamzah turned around to try and fight me, [subhan'Allah, what a warrior he was], but he was not able to, and he died." It is also said that Wahshi aimed for the armor chinks when it slides around and exposes the skin/garment of Hamzah. And subhan'Allah, how else would Hamzah RA be killed except in this manner. Nobody could kill him in a true one on one combat.

Jubayr and Wahshi were both eventually guided to Islam, and this shows us that not a single person can be disregarded when it comes to accepting Islam, no matter how evil the enemy.

By the way, Jubayr was one of the prisoners back in Badr [2 AH], and later when he became a Muslim, he narrated: "The first time a little bit of Iman entered my heart was when I heard the Prophet PBUH recite Surah al-Tur in Salah al-Maghrib." Recall the prisoners were tied up to the pillars of the masjid in Madinah, so that's how they were able to hear the Prophet PBUH recite. The verse that really struck with him was:

أَمْ خُلِقُوا مِنْ غَيْرِ شَيْءٍ أَمْ هُمُ الْخَالِقُونَ
"Or were they created by nothing, or were they the creators [of themselves]?" [52:35]

Jubayr said, "When I heard this verse, my heart was about to break out of my chest and fly out." So this was the first time Iman entered his heart. But he still didn't accept Islam at that time.

As for Wahshi, he fled to Ta'if right before the Conquest of Makkah [later in 8 AH] because he knew that the Prophet PBUH would not spare him. So he flees to Ta'if, and after a year, Ta'if also becomes a Muslim city; Wahshi had no idea what to do, "I felt the whole world was going to collapse on me," so he went to exile in Syria. Somebody eventually told Wahshi that the Prophet PBUH never kills anyone who accepts Islam. So he accepted Islam in this manner. Not the most noble way to accept Islam, but he's a Muslim nonetheless. So he went to Makkah cloaked, and his face covered so that he would not be recognized, and accepted Islam in front of the Prophet PBUH, "I bear witness that there is no god except Allah, and you are the Messenger of Allah!" The Prophet PBUH asks him, "Are you Wahshi?" He says, "Yes." The Prophet PBUH said, "Tell me how you killed Hamzah." Wahshi then told him the story, and the Prophet PBUH cried to the point that his beard got wet. The Prophet PBUH then told Wahshi, "Hide yourself from me; let me not see your face." This is a difficult punishment for Wahshi, since every time the Prophet PBUH was around, he had to hide himself. We seek Allah's refuge from such punishment, as we want to be with the Prophet PBUH in Jannah.

(Tangent: Wahshi was also involved in drinking khamr. And Umar RA would have him punished multiple times; so much so that Umar RA said, "Wallahi, I knew that Allah would not leave the one who killed Hamzah untouched." And the punishment for drinking is 40 lashes. [Side note: This shows us that no doubt the generation of the sahaba is the best generation, but that doesn't make them superhuman. They had their sins, and Allah SWT will forgive them. Their sins are shown to us so that we humanize them and not make them superhuman. They had sins, including drinking, fornication, etc., —and they were punished for that— but they would never lie about or be unfaithful to Allah and His Messenger PBUH. So we always have a lot of respect for them, and we always say radi-Allahu-anhum wa radu-anh [رضي الله عنهم ورضوا عنه - Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him].] And at the end of his life, Wahshi did repent.)

Wahshi further related that when he heard about the advent of a false prophet called Musaylimah al-Kadhdhab (مسيلمة الكذاب - Musaylimah the Liar) [in 11 AH], he made a du'a to Allah, "O Allah, allow me to take the life of Musaylimah in substitution for what I did to Hamzah." And he took the SAME spear that he killed Hamzah with, and he went with Khalid ibn al-Walid, and he targeted Musaylimah like he targeted Hamzah. "I threw my javelin. And at the same time, one of the Ansar attacked him from the other side with his sword, so Allah knows which one of us actually killed Musaylimah." But he considers this to be his kaffarah (كفارة - expiation). (And of course technically, Wahshi killed Hamzah when he was a non-Muslim, so it's not as if that sin will be on his Scales on the Day of Judgment.)

Hamzah was killed in the victory half of Uhud, not the losing half. He died in the initial assault, before Khalid ibn al-Walid comes in to change the tide of the battle. We infer this from reports that say the women of the Quraysh were still on the battlefield: Hind (wife of Abu Sufyan - prime lady of Quraysh), as a sign of inflicting pain upon the Prophet PBUH, she cuts open the stomach of Hamzah with her dagger, takes out his liver, bites it, and spits it out. She also cuts off his fingers, and according to some reports his toes, and she built a necklace out of them. ALL of this was done for nothing except to inflict pain on the Prophet PBUH. This is the level of hatred that she had. YET, Allah still guided her to Islam [later in 8 AH].

After the battle was over, when the Prophet PBUH saw the body of Hamzah, he cried and said, "Were it not for the fact that Safiyyah (full sister of Hamzah) would grieve and that the people would then take this as sunnah if I were to do this, I would have left his body untouched until it disperse in the bellies of the beasts and the birds (i.e. I want his body to be plucked even more so that Allah honors him even more, and so that Allah will then collect his body from all of these different places as an honor for Hamzah)." Meaning: If Hind thinks she can take his fingers, watch how Hamzah is plucked off by the animals slowly, and then brought back together by Allah SWT as a karamah (كرامة - miracle) for him. And then the Prophet PBUH said, "If Allah ever gives me victory over the Quraysh, I shall mutilate 30 of their bodies because of this one." But Allah SWT revealed later on:

وَإِنْ عَاقَبْتُمْ فَعَاقِبُوا بِمِثْلِ مَا عُوقِبْتُم بِهِ ۖ وَلَئِن صَبَرْتُمْ لَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لِّلصَّابِرِينَ
"And if you punish [an enemy, O believers], punish with an equivalent of that with which you were harmed. But if you are patient - it is better for those who are patient." [16:126]

So then the Prophet PBUH took this from Allah SWT and said, "It is not allowed to mutilate any dead body." [Sahih Muslim]


Martyrdom of Mus'ab ibn Umayr RA

Mus'ab ibn Umayr (مصعب بن عمير) RA was most likely killed by the forces of Khalid, based upon piecing the evidences. He was targeted because unlike those who were collecting booty, he was still carrying the flag. So he was one of the first targets for the contingent of Khalid ibn al-Walid. Again, the books don't mention who did it, but we assume it's the forces of Khalid, because he was killed very gruesomely, and it is hard to die such a death in the first half of the battle when the Muslims were winning.

Background of Mus'ab ibn Umayr RA: He was the young man of Banu Abd al-Dar. His father was one of the richest traders of Makkah. He was known for being the most spoiled 'prince' of Makkah - he would wear a new garment every few days, buy the most expensive perfume, etc. His mother was well known to be spoiling him completely. And when he embraced Islam, he was tortured by his own mother and father - literally locked up, they deprived him of food and water, etc. He had to break his chains and run away to Madinah. Recall he was the first Muhajir to emigrate to Madinah and spread Islam there. The Prophet PBUH told him to make Hijrah 2 years before he made Hijrah himself. And because Mus'ab was intelligent, and he was of a noble class and knew how to interact with people, he won the hearts and mind of the Ansar. And the books of seerah mentions that every Arab tribe in Madinah, there were members that converted at the hands of Mus'ab RA. Every single tribe had Muslims because of him. He was known for being gentle and loving. And in the Battle of Uhud, he died a tragic but honorable death.

He was holding the flag and one of the mushriks came and cut off his right hand. Mus'ab then holds the flag with his left hand. His left hand is cut off, and he's using the stumps of his arms to hold the flag. Eventually he's stabbed multiple times and died a shaheed.

Sahih Bukhari reports the long hadith of Khabbab ibn al-Aratt. Recall Khabbab was also one of those who were tortured in Makkah, and he was an early convert just like Mus'ab. He lived a long life - Allah blessed him to be a governor, live in a house with servants etc., and when he was about to die, he gave a moving speech that caused his people and his family to cry: "We all emigrated with the Prophet PBUH seeking the rewards of Allah; and so our reward is with Allah. But some of us left this dunya without taking any of that reward in this world. Their full reward is in the hereafter. Of them is Mus'ab ibn Umayr. He was killed on the Day of Uhud, and all that he had was the one garment that he was wearing. And when we tried to cover up his body, if we cover his bottom half, the top half was naked, and if we cover his top half, the bottom half was naked. And so the Prophet PBUH told us to cover up the top half so we covered the top half, and then we covered the bottom half with idhkhir (lemongrass). As for the rest of us, we moved on in life, and Allah blessed us; and now we don't know what Allah is going to do with us." Meaning, "I am dying with such luxury, and my friend Mus'ab died in such poverty. I don't know what my fate is going to be. As for Mus'ab, Allah gave him everything in the Next - he didn't get one thing in this dunya."

This is Mus'ab ibn Umayr RA. Allah AWJ tested him in Makkah, and He blessed him in Madinah with martyrdom.


Martyrdom of Hanzala RA

Hanzala ibn Abi Amir (حنظلة بن أبي عامر) RA was just about to kill Abu Sufyan when a spear came out of nowhere and killed him. After the battle, the Prophet PBUH said, "I saw the angels washing the body of Hanzala as they took him up." And of course it's a famous story that we all know: Hanzala was washed by the angels because the night before, as a newlywed, he was intimate with his wife, but he didn't have the time to do ghusl and died a shaheed the following morning.

And he gets a much better ghusl from the angels, subhan'Allah.


Death of Quzman ibn al-Harith

Quzman ibn al-Harith (قزمان بن الحارث) is a hypocrite - he went back to Madinah with Abdullah ibn Ubayy. But when he goes back home, the Muslim ladies began rebuking him, "What type of man are you?! You leave the men in the battle and come back home to us?! Have you no shame?!" etc. So he felt such an embarrassment and went back to the battle; but his niyyah (intention) wasn't for the sake of Allah, it's to prove his manhood. He went completely armed, and fights a very tough and brave fight; so much so that one of the sahaba comes back to the Prophet PBUH and says, "Ya Rasulullah! Quzman is fighting an amazing battle!" But the Prophet PBUH said, "هو في النار (He will be in the Hellfire)." The sahabi says he got a shock like he had never gotten before. And he decided to follow Quzman to find out what is wrong. And eventually Quzman was hit by an arrow, and he began wailing. He couldn't bear the pain, so he takes out his sword, points the blade towards his stomach, the handle on the ground, and he jumps on his own sword and kills himself. The sahabi then informed the Prophet PBUH what happened. The Prophet PBUH said, "Sometimes Allah helps this religion through a fajir (sinner/evil man)."


Martyrdom of al-Usayrim Amr ibn Thabit RA

Al-Usayrim Amr ibn Thabit (الأصيرم عمرو بن ثابت) was one of very few remaining pagans in Madinah. This is problematic for Sh. YQ because Ibn Ishaq said that after the Battle of Badr, anybody who was pagan converted to Islam. Yet here we find Usayrim remaining a pagan. So Allah knows best, but we can try to reconcile by saying that after the Battle of Badr, the overwhelming bulk of pagans converted, but there were still a few stragglers.

On the Day of Uhud, Usayrim goes and sees the city completely dead, so he started asking, "Where is Sa'd ibn Mu'adh?" The women said he's at Uhud. And he asked about many people, who were all people he looked up to, but he was told they were all at Uhud. So he realized this is a powerful force (meaning Islam). So he accepted Islam on the morning of Uhud (between the time of Fajr and Zuhr). He gets armored, and tells his pagan family that if he dies, his money will go to the Prophet PBUH.

When he gets to Uhud, the Muslims tell him to go back, "You don't belong here to fight with us." The Muslims didn't know he converted. So he told them, "I have accepted Islam." So they allowed him to fight, and he died a shaheed in the Battle of Uhud.

He accepted Islam after the time of Fajr, and martyred before the time of Zuhr, so he didn't get a chance to pray a single salah. The Prophet PBUH said, "He did very little, but his ajr (أجر - reward) is a lot." (Abu Hurairah RA would test his students by asking, "Who is that Muslim who entered Jannah without making one salah?" And the answer is of course: Usayrim RA.)


Mukhayriq the Jew Who Honored the Constitution

The Prophet PBUH did not approach the Jews for the Battle of Uhud because he knew they wouldn't help (even though under the Constitution, they were required to fight: "If we are attacked externally, we will fight as one").

Mukhayriq (مخيريق) was one of the Jews who was trying to incite his people to go and help the Muslims, "You know that it is our duty to help Muhammad!" But his people said, "We can't, because today is the Sabbath." He got irritated at them and said, "لا سبت لكم - May you have no Sabbath after this!" And he took his armor and sword, and said to his people, "If I die, my property will go to Muhammad," and he went to the battlefield of Uhud and fought a brave battle. And he died defending the Muslims.

The Prophet PBUH praised him as he praised Mut'im ibn Adi, "Mukhayriq is the best of all the Jews. He fulfilled his promise to us."

[Transcribed by Br. Safwan Khan, Faizan, Ertugrul & Br. Syed Haq]
[Revised by Br. Syed Haq & MAR, February 2021]


  1. next story of Hmaza RA is not here can you please arrange that

  2. Assalamu aleikum, I'm sharing my notes to complete this episode, hopefully some will benefit:

    - Hamza was killed in the initial assault of the Muslims (ie: before the counter-attack of Khalid)  as Hind didn’t yet run away and did what she did with Hamza.
    - Jubayr ibn Mut’im (one of the sons of Mut’im ibn Adiy) bribed the Abyssinian slave Wahshi ibn Harb with a promise of freedom if he would kill Hamza. This was to avenge his uncle, Tuwayma ibn Adiy, whom Hamza had killed in Badr.
    - Wahshi was hiding & pursuing Hamzah during the battle and when the right time came, he threw his javelin towards him from distance and killed him.
    - Hind bint Utbah (Abu Sufyan’s wife, the current Queen of Quraysh), whose father (Utbah ibn Rabi’ah) Hamza had killed at Badr, chewed Hamza's liver then spat it out. "Then she went and mutilated Hamza and made anklets, necklaces and pendants from his body and brought them and his liver to Mecca.“ >> The Prophet (saw), when finding out what happened to Hamza said: “If Allah give me ever a victory over Quraysh, I shall mutilate 30 of their bodies because of this one”. To what, Allah SWT revealed after Uhud: “If you want take revenge, take revenge exactly equivalent as what happened to you, but if you are patient and forgive, it is better for you”
    - After Uhud, Wahshi directly fled to Taif since he knew how beloved Hamza was to the Prophet (saw). Scared about the revenge of the Prophet (saw), he accepts Islam and on the demand of the Prophet (saw) tells in detail how he killed Hamza to what the Prophet (saw) began to cry and said: “Hide yourself and don’t let me see your face”.
    - When Wahshi heard about Musaylimah al-Kadhdhāb (the Arch-liar), he made a du’a to Allah SWT: “allow me to take the life of Musaylimah in substitution to what I did to Hamza”. And in the battle of Yamama, he killed Musaylimah with the same spear.
    - Jubayr and Hind also accept Islam later in seerah. Jubayr was captured as prisoner during Badr. Jubayr narrated: “The first time a little bit of Iman entered my heart is when I was prisoner of war and heard in the masjid the Prophet (saw) reciting surah Tur.”

  3. DEATH of Musab Ibn Umayr (ra)

    - Most likely he was killed during the counter-attack by the forces of Khalid and he was targeted as he was carrying the flag (easy target).
    - Musab was known as the most spoiled prince of Makkah as his father was a very reach tradesman: he would wear new outfit every day and buy most expensive perfume… When he converted to Islam, he was tortured and locked by his own mother & father and was deprived from food & water. He managed to break his chains and run away to Madinah. He was the first Muhajir in Madinah as he had no house in Makkah anymore and the Prophet (saw) sent him to Madinah 2y before the Hijrah.
    - During the battle of Uhud, his right hand was severely damaged, he then held the flag with the left hand, and it was also cut off. He is then killed by multiple wounds simultaneously.
    - Khabbab ibn al-Aratt narrated: We migrated in the company of Allah’s messenger, seeking Allah's Pleasure. So our reward became due and sure with Allah. Some of us have been dead without enjoying anything of their rewards (here), and one of them was Mus'ab bin 'Umar who was martyred on the day of the battle of Uhud, and did not leave anything except a Namira (i.e. a sheet in which he was shrouded). If we covered his head with it, his feet became naked, and if we covered his feet with it, his head became naked. So the Prophet said to us, "Cover his head with it and put some Idhkhir (i.e. a kind of grass) over his feet or throw Idhkhir over his feet.“
    - The Prophet (saw) stood with great emotion over the body of Musab. He remembered Musab as he first saw him in Makkah, stylish and elegant, and then looked at the short burdah which was now the only garment he possessed and he recited the verse of the Quran: "Among the believers are men who have been true to what they have pledged to God."

  4. DEATH of Hanzala ibn Abi Amir (ra)
    - It is narrated that Hanzala was just about to kill Abu Sufyan when a spear came out of nowhere and killed him on the spot.
    - The Prophet (saw) has narrated to have seen angels giving Hanzala a bath in between heavens and the earth. Because of this honor, Hanzala earned the title of Ghaseel al-Malāʾika) the one cleansed by the angels).
    - However, the body of a shaheed is not washed: the reason is that he was newly married and didn’t had time to wash himself (ghusl) after having an intercourse with his wife.

    Story of Kuzman
    - Intention is of great importance in Islam. The good intention of someone is better than his good deed. The story of Kuzman is a good example of this:
    - On the day of Uhud, Kuzman fought very bravely and killed 7-8 men from Quraysh. But the Prophet (saw) already foretells that Kuzman will be among the people of Hell.
    - While he is in a severely wounded state, some Muslims said, “By Allah, today you fought so bravely. Be blessings upon you”. Kuzman replied: “Blessing? I fought only for my tribe’s honor. Or else, I would not”. Then, when his wound became aggravated, he could no more endure it and kills himself.
    - According to other narrations, Kuzman was among the hypocrites who deserted the battle with Abdullah ibn Ubayy. When back home, the Muslim ladies began rebuking him: “what type of man are you?..” So he decided to return to the battle to prove his manhood and he fought a very fierce battle.

    Story of Usayrin
    - Usayrin was among the few in Madinah who was still a pagan. But when he finds out that Saad ibn Mu’adh and the whole city are left for battle he realizes the powerful force & unity of Islam and decides to join the battlefield on the side of Muslims and dies as shaheed before dhukhr, without having had the opportunity to pray a single prayer.

    Story of Mukhayriq
    - The Prophet (saw) didn’t ask for help the Jewish tribes of Madinah for the battle of Uhud.
    - However, in accordance with the Constitution of Madinah, all tribes living in Madinah entered one nation Ummah and were obligated to help each other, to fight their enemies and each to bear their own expenses.
    - Mukhayriq was a wealthy, well learned and well respected jewish rabbi, and a leader of the Jewish tribe. He wanted to keep his promise and asked his people to join him for the battle however they didn’t join him making different excuses (ie: “we cannot do anything on a Saturday, it’s Sabbat, etc..”). He then got irritated and went on his own to join the battle.
    - Mukhayriq died in the battle defending the Muslims not out of deen but out of loyalty towards the common treaty.
    - The Prophet (saw) praised Mukhayriq: “Mukhayriq is the best of all Jews, he fulfilled his promise towards us”

  5. Hind mutilated Hamza (r.a) and chewed his liver is not authentic hadith but it is famous & when Abu sufiyan came to his daughters but she didn't allow her father to sit on the mattress of Prophets (s.a.w) so Abu sufiyan asked his daughter is this mattress is not according to my status or I don't have status to sit on this so his daughter replied I.e umm habiba that it is the mattress of prophet& u r a kafir thi hadeeth is also not authentic but it is famous
